
Do Dental Implants Need to Be Replaced?

Are you worried about your dental implant’s longevity? We have you covered! We can answer any and all of your questions about your dental implants in Englewood, CO. 

Here are the things you need to know about how they work, depending on how you care for them.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are considered permanent replacements for your missing teeth. They are more durable than other alternatives because they are directly attached to your bones.

Dental implant surgeries are often performed by dental experts specializing in restorative dentistry. The whole process may take months because the metal post needs to bond with the jawbone. Once healed, the abutments will be placed for the new teeth to hold on to.

Dental implants have a high success rate of up to 98 percent. And when taken care of properly, dental implants can last up to a lifetime!

When Should You Replace Your Dental Implants?

Dental implant failure often happens due to several causes. When you have an accident and experience facial trauma, you have to visit your dentist immediately to see if any of your implants are affected.

Another reason for implant failure is poor oral hygiene. Plaque can still build up even if you are using artificial teeth, and this could lead to peri-implantitis, an inflammation of the tissues surrounding your implants which can lead to the loss of their supporting bones.

Looking for Excellent Dental Implants in Englewood, CO?

We at Sopris Smiles have restored our patients’ smiles with our restorative dentistry, including quality dental implants. With our expertise and consistent guidance, we ensure that the entire process and maintenance are done correctly. Contact us to know more!